Robinson Safety Awareness Training

To comply with current CAA regulations, all Robinson R22 and R44 pilots are required to undergo Robinson Safety Awareness Training (RSAT).

Key elements of the training will include:

  • A new syllabus of R22/R44 ‘Ground’ and ‘in-flight training’ is prescribed.
  • The training will be completed by CAA certificated Part 119 and 141 organisations, or operators who have an approved Robinson safety course.
  • It will be delivered by suitably approved and qualified A or B-cat instructors.
  • A General Aviation examiner with Robinson safety awareness privileges must approve the A and B-cat instructors delivering the awareness training.
  • The training will be required when new pilots are type rated.
  • Ongoing training will be required every 24 months.
  • Practical and relevant training, depending on your sector of aviation we can apply the course to be relevant to you.
  • The pre-solo dual requirements on the R22 and R44 have been raised to 20 hours.

Courses are run by A Cat Instructor Shamus Howard

Shamus has been a CAA certified A cat instructor and flight testing officer, holding senior positions since 1991. He has the widest range of experience in the NZ Check and Training sector. Aviation Training Ltd provides the widest range of training for future (and current) PPL to CPL helicopter pilots and instructors.

Shamus Howard has worked in the following sectors within the helicopter operation fields:

  • AB-initio training as an instructor
  • Agricultural operations
  • Corporate flight charters
  • DOC (Department of Conservation) survey work
  • EMS/SAR rescue operations
  • FCCC certification
  • Flight testing and certification
  • Fire fighting
  • Heavy Lifting
  • Liveline wire power company operations
  • Pilot mentoring
  • Robinson safety courses
  • Scenic helicopter flights
  • Wild deer, pig and other animal recovery
  • Winching operations

Contact us for your RSAT needs

Call Shamus on: 027 242 7837 to book your training.